This Sunday we celebrate the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The word epiphany means manifestation. As St. Paul puts it the second reading of this Sunday (Eph 3:2-6), “….this mystery was made known to the humankind….” This feast is the clear indication that the Saviour has not come to redeem only the chosen people but whole mankind, every nation, every race, every colour and every language. As the holy father Pope Francis put it: “In this way, we see revealed the glory of a God who has come for everyone: every nation, language and people, is welcomed and loved by him. It is symbolized by the light, which penetrates and illumines all things.” (Pope Francis homily at Mass on Epiphany).

As we celebrate this feast let us embark on a spiritual journey with the three Wise men from the east who we also call the Magi or the three kings. The Magi recognised the sign of the star as something extraordinary and had the heart to follow it. God wishes to convey His message of love through various ways, and He calls us to recognise them. The Magi, after having understood the sign, took courage to set out and embark on a journey into the unknown and uncertain. This happened because they trusted in God. 

Another important thing that the Magi did was to keep their eyes focused on the star throughout their journey. Many times the star disappeared from their sight but they did not lose heart because they were very much focussed. God invites us not to lose focus from His Son even when things go wrong and God seems to be not listening to our prayers. 

Yet another important thing to remember is that the Magi, though focussed, had to face many hurdles and difficulties on their journey to Child Jesus. The biggest challenge for them was Herod. Herod’s crookedness, evil intention, hunger for power and being blinded by these he was ready to take any extreme step. We too may face a lot of ‘Herod-like” people and situations on our journey that may become hurdles, de-motivate us, try to mislead us from God. Like the Magi we are not to lose sight of our goal.

Upon finding Jesus in a most unexpected place and environment, the Magi had the heart to recognise Him and offer the most precious gifts that they had brought along and worship Him. 

And finally, after having met Jesus they took a different way, that leads away from Herod. This is the indication that anyone who encounters Jesus in their life will never be the same again. They up the old ways and wishe to live in the newness of life, with a renewed heart and mind. 

I wish us all a very pleasant spiritual journey with the Magi. May we encounter Jesus and may He renew our heart and purpose to live a life that is worthy of our call.