“My kingdom is not from this world.” Jn 18

Dear parishioners,

With these words spoken to Pilate, Jesus acknowledges implicitly that he does indeed have a kingdom, which makes him king – sort of. He always rejected this title during his time on earth, because it would inevitably lead to a misconception of his intentions while on earth. But now, after the resurrection, all ambiguity having been lifted, we can comfortably affirm that he is King, and rest in his kingship. Rest in the thought that on the last day, all the universe will acknowledge what we, Christians, have known all along, that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Jesus came into the world to testify to the truth, to the truth about the Father, about himself, about the Holy Spirit, about all their work, about the eternal kingdom with us that they are preparing. We have listened to his voice, and so we live our lives knowing the great cosmic secret of the Kingdom that is to come, indeed that has already come in Heaven, and in the hearts of believers on earth. We await only its full revelation. By the grace of God, may our serene waiting inspire those around us to look up, to look beyond the potential that this life holds for redemption and for fullness of life.

On a more down-to-earth level, effective next Saturday November 27th, the Saturday morning mass will return to its usual time, which is 8:30 a.m.

Please help yourselves to a copy of the “Little Blue Book”, a booklet of Advent and Christmas meditations, available at all exits as you leave the church today. Hopefully, next Sunday, we will have received the “Magnificat” Advent/Christmas booklet for distribution as well.

Yesterday, we had a memorable inaugural blessing of our new Columbus Plaza prayer corner. From now on, the gates of the plaza will be open to coincide with Sunday mass times. The plaza will be open roughly from Saturday, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., and all day Sunday, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Please pay it a visit if you haven’t already done so. It’s really beautiful. Thanks to our Knights of Columbus for this wonderful initiative. And thanks to the benefactors who have covered almost the full cost of materials.

You might notice a hole in the ground in front of the church  when you arrive for mass this Sunday. We woke up to a flooded rectory basement on Monday. This is because the storm sewage pipe running from the rectory to the street has collapsed right in front of the church and needs to be replaced. Hopefully, all will be done on Monday.

Next Saturday, November 27th at 6:00 p.m., there will be an evening of information for those who are civilly married and wish to celebrate a sacramental wedding in the Church. This “mass wedding” will take place on Saturday June 11, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s Parish in Richmond. If you qualify for participation in this mass wedding and wish to be married in the Church in this way, we can begin the paperwork at this very meeting on Saturday night. A light offering of food and drink will be served. There is no need to pre-register for this event. Just show up! It will take place in the church basement, here at St. Mary’s. Access to the meeting through the glass doors on Euclid. We ask that all wear masks throughout the evening, and that you socially distance as much as possible.

Have a nice last week of the liturgical year 2021, keep safe, and God bless.

Fr. Guy