“Hear O Israel, and observe diligently the Lord’s commandments, so that your days may be long, so that it may go well with you, and so that you may multiply greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, as the Lord, the God of your Fathers, has promised you.” Dt 6,5

Dear parishioners,

Just a quick word on this beautiful promise. It is a running theme in the book of Deuteronomy that the Law that the Lord has given to Israel is so perfect that those who live by it will be happy. Of course we know there is no guarantee of this. Just remember the Holocaust. Remember all the virtuous people you have known who have undergone terrible sufferings. We know that reverence for the Lord and fidelity to his will is no guarantee of protection and well-being. Yet, isn’t it safe to say that all things being equal, the person who lives in reverence of God and of his will will be happier than the person who doesn’t? Food for thought… In other matters,

This Sunday’s special collection is to cover the costs of our Columbus Plaza, which will be inaugurated on Saturday November 20th. If the amount raised should exceed the outstanding costs, it seems only fair that the surplus should go to the Knights of Columbus, who have assumed the bulk of the expenditures, and of whom we are certain that these funds will be used to a good end.

The COP26 summit in Glasgow begins today. Much is at stake, as we all know. Sr. Margaret Sadler and Marianne have prepared a small prayer card that will be available at the exits at all masses this Sunday. Please take one, and pray this prayer every day that the summit lasts, until the last, which is in two weeks, I believe. Prayer is in this as in all things, our finest hope.

Our flu shot clinic to be held this Tuesday November 2nd is fully booked, so you won’t find the link to the pre-registration page on our parish bulletin and website.

This Wednesday November 3rd at 12:00 noon, the Archbishop will preside a memorial mass for all the clergy and religious who were deceased since November, 2020. This mass will be open to the public, but it will also be live streamed. Just go to the Cathedral website, holyrosarycathedral.org, and you will find the link to the live stream. 

Finally, next Saturday, November 6th, there will be a special online Dominican event. Join the Dominican friars, nuns, sisters, and laity of Vancouver as we celebrate the 800th Jubilee of the "Dies Natalis" of St. Dominic, in other words, the day of his birth into eternal life, which occurred on August 4, 1221. The day will begin with Mass, live-streamed from St. Mary's Church in Vancouver and celebrated by Dominican friars, with a schola choir of Dominican sisters and laity. It will be followed by a program of original talks, dramas on St. Dominic's life, a virtual tour of the lands of St. Dominic, poetry and music. Register to receive the link to join the online celebration. Saturday, November 6 at 10:30 a.m. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events. You are welcome to attend mass in person, but the rest on the programme will be online.

November is a month of remembrance and of prayer for those who have passed away. Please take a copy of “November, the month of Holy Souls”, available at all exits as you leave the church this weekend. They contain a prayer for the departed for every day of the month.

That’s it for this week. Keep safe, have a nice week, weather permitting, and God bless. 

Fr. Guy