April 27, 2024

Christian Armor | A Book by Fr. David C. Bellusci, OP

The Rosary signifies prayer—a form of daily prayer and meditation for millions of Roman Catholics across the world—and has been for centuries. The Rosary unites the followers of Christ as one family in a common faith, baptism, and Lord. The power of the Rosary stems not only from the intercession of the Mother of our Savior, but each of the twenty mysteries finds its source in the Bible.

The truth of the word of God teaches us not only that the Father sent his Son to save us from our sins so we may have eternal life, but also how we live our communion with Christ through our daily choices. The Rosary and the Bible lead us to Jesus Christ; the Scriptures point to Jesus, and Jesus is at the very center of the Rosary. And so, the Rosary and the Bible provide us with the armor we need to help us in combat: against Satan’s deceptions, lies, and attacks.

To know the truth, we need the word of God, and to live in truth Jesus gives us his mother at the cross, “This is your mother.” We need the grace of God, Mary’s intercession, and the word of God in spiritual combat.

About The Author:

Born in Vancouver, BC, David C. Bellusci has written eight books, including four books of poetry. He holds a BA in English literature, MA in linguistics, MFA in creative writing, PhD in philosophy, and PsyD in clinical pastoral psychotherapy. Bellusci's poems have been published in Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA. He is a member of the Writers' Union of Canada and lives in Vancouver where he teaches philosophy and theology.