I'm New to St. Mary's Parish Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Where Do I Start?

Welcome to the parish community! We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us. If you haven’t already, say hi to our parish priest, . He would love to meet you.

Doors are usually open early before Mass starts, and coffee is also available after the service so feel free to come up to any of our volunteers and introduce yourself. We have various ministries available in the parish so please don’t hesitate to ask any of our volunteers about ways to get connected.

Here at St. Mary's we want to love God, to love one another, and to make the name of Jesus known.

Welcome to St. Mary's Parish!

Register and Get the Best Parish Experience

If you have been attending the parish for a while but have not yet registered, please take a moment to register. This allows us to have your important information kept securely in our database so that we can send you your yearly tax receipts, as well as give you the opportunity to manage your mail and giving preferences.


Finding St. Mary's Parish, Vancouver

Contact Us Directions Mass Times

Confession Times

Monday to Saturday
after mass
before and after mass

Mass Times

Sunday Mass
(Anticipated Mass)
Daily Mass
Monday to Friday
Wednesday to Friday
(Our Lady's Mass)

Office Hours

Monday to Friday      9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Mass: What to Expect

If you have never been to Mass before, or if you haven't gone in a long time, we are excited to have you join us as we celebrate and worship together. We understand that it may feel foreign at first, and that some parts might seem confusing. The last thing we would want is for you to feel unwelcome during the service, so we have created a little guide for you to help you understand the liturgy a little better.

Why go to mass? Sacraments
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