Project Advance 2024

⬆️Latest Update:
(as of June.29/30 2024)

Project Advance is an annual initiative that brings our community together to support various ministries and programs of our Archdiocese of Vancouver. 

Supporting our parish community is at the heart of Project Advance 2024. This year, our focus is on "Building Our Parish Community" through both local and Archdiocesan efforts. Your contribution to Project Advance not only helps us meet our parish's target for supporting essential ministries and outreach programs but also ensures that any surplus funds are reinvested directly into our community for specific projects and initiatives.

By participating in Project Advance, you're actively fulfilling our shared mission of "making disciples," as instructed by Jesus himself (Mt 28:19). Every donation, no matter the size, plays a meaningful role in equipping both our parish and the wider Archdiocese with the resources needed to carry out this vital work. Together, let's continue to strengthen our parish community through prayerful support and generous giving.

For more information or to donate, please contact Teresa Lung at [email protected]

Project Advance 2024 Video