March 25th – The Annunciation

The Annunciation, (Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1859-1937) is a painting located in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Tanner was the son of a former slave and an African Methodist Episcopal bishop. Born in Philadelphia, he later moved to Paris where he spent most of his life. He studied there and became known for his religious art work. He travelled to the Near East where he studied the dress, culture and architecture in order to make his work more realistic.

In this picture we see Mary sitting at the edge of her bed, in awe of the presence in her room. This is no winged angel; Tanner uses the power of light to break into this very natural, rustic scene. Notice the simple room, the wrinkled rug at her feet, the power of Mary’s clasped hands and bare foot steadying her as she listens to the angel. This young woman will hear the Word of God and give her consent.

The Annunciation

1898, by Henry Ossawa Tanner

On her bed of doubt
in wrinkled night garment,
She sat, glancing with fear
at the golden shaft of streaming light,
pondering perhaps, “Was this
but a sequel to a dream?”
This light too bright for disbelief,
yet its silence eased not her trembling.
Somehow she murmured a “YES”
And with that the light’s love and life
pierced her womb.
The room remained the same
– rug still needed smoothing,
– jug and paten awaited using.
Now all was different
In a maiden’s
soft but firm “FIAT.”

Bishop Robert F. Morneau

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