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St. Mary's Parish, Vancouver
5251 Joyce St
Vancouver, BC V5R 4G8

Are you concerned with the Church, community and would you and your family like to share in wholesome fraternity and fellowship?  If the answer is YES, then it is time for you to become a proud member of the Knights of Columbus.  The Knights strive to grow spiritually while responding to those who need their help: the disabled, unborn, orphans, youth, widows, the Church and more.  Give generously of yourself, your time and talent, while building self-esteem and satisfaction by socializing with new friends.  Strengthen family life through various family activities such as Rosary night, family bowling, family picnic, memorial mass, Christmas party, etc.  Insurance for the protection of your family is also available. Optional and flexible benefits are conceived to meet any of your needs.  Now is the time to join the Knights.  You need to be a practicing Catholic gentleman, 18 years or older, willing to get involved and help the Church and community.