“Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

Dear parishioners,

With these words which we pronounce on Ash Wednesday, we usher in the season of Lent, the season in which we are called to simply go back to God. So lets do just that. God’s relationship with humankind is one of unrequited love. He loves us, but by and large, we don’t love him back. Because he is good and he is humble, God goes ballistic with joy every time a human being acknowledges his existence. But this does’t happen often. So lets make that happen. Let’s say, every morning when we wake up, simply: “Hi God, I know you’re up there. I know you love me. I thank you and I want to love you back. I trust in you. Keep me, and all those I love, safe.” If all we did in this Lenten season were to say this to God every morning, all of Heaven would be shaking with his humble, child-like joy.

Just a few things to announce as we venture into Lent.

On Ash Wednesday, you will be able to participate in our live streamed mass at 9:00 a.m. This will be followed by the St. Mary’s School mass, at 10:30. Contact the school for instructions as to how to participate in their mass. You can pre-register to come to church to receive ashes and communion every hour, on the hour, for half-hour stretches of time, starting at 1:00 p.m and ending at 8:30 p.m. Many half-hours are still available as I write this. Please try to not arrive ahead of your scheduled time and be sure to leave before that half-hour is over. This shouldn’t be a problem, since no one will be allowed to linger in the church. All the pews will be cordoned off. You will be ushered and directed by markers on the floor to simply walk through the church, receive ashes, then communion, and leave immediately through the side exit. An important reminder: we are dealing with a potentially dangerous man who may try again to enter into the church, so you may find the doors locked when you arrive. An usher will be watching out for you in the foyer, but if it should happen that when you arrive there is no one to let you in, call the number that appears on the pre-registration page for Ash Wednesday. An usher will receive your call and let you in.

On Fridays during Lent, we will have live streamed Stations of the Cross at 6:30 p.m., followed by a live streamed mass at 7:00 p.m.

Because of the special schedule for Ash Wednesday and the Stations of the Cross and evening mass on Fridays during Lent, there will be no communion/confession/prayer times on Ash Wednesday, and Friday evening, and no live streamed morning mass on Friday mornings.

A reminder to parents of children aged 4 to 7: be with us on our Youtube channel at 5:30 p.m. on Ash Wednesday and 10 minutes before the 11:15 a.m. mass on Sundays during Lent, to share in our “Lent with Paula” video series! Many many thanks to those, too numerous to name here, who have teamed up to create this wonderful series. Here’s what Paula has to say about it:

“Exciting news! This coming week, a group of talented parishioners are launching their at-home Lenten web series, "Lent with Paula", with free interactive worksheets & activities for children between the ages of 4-7 to enjoy! Stay tuned for the first episode set to premiere Ash Wednesday, Feb 17th at 5:30pm. Make sure to tune in to our YouTube channel and Facebook page to access the weekly episodes and to win a prize at the end of the season.”

A word about communion/confession/prayer times. Some people are arriving early and wanting to be let into the church. Please understand that we must keep the number of people in the church below 10 at all times. If you arrive early, you will be let in only if there are fewer than 10 people in the church.

Effective Ash Wednesday and for as long as supplies last, there will be copies of the March edition of Living With Christ, as well as three different booklets of Lenten devotions to choose from. We invite you to take one for yourselves, and perhaps take one for someone you know who is prevented from coming to church, and who would like to have one.

A bit of good news.

Firstly, with this Friday’s delivery of All Were Filled, we will have delivered, since September 1, 2020, 1055 boxes of frozen food to people who are struggling to put food on the table. Blessed be God for this ministry and for its ongoing success. And thanks to Richard and Lorna, and all those who are working with them to make this happen.

Second bit of good news: Ave Maria Garden’s Valentine’s Day bouquet project is a smashing success! They have received orders for and delivered no fewer than 55 bouquets! We will be in a position to send at least $1000 to Chalice, for struggling families in the Third World. Many thanks to Jane for having taken this initiative, and to all those who worked with her to create the bouquets. God bless you all.

As we say in the archdiocese in this pandemic time, “the Church never stops!”

May God keep us all safe and well. I pray for a happy, fruitful Lenten season for all of you. And Happy Valentine’s Day!

Fr. Guy