“It is good to give thanks to the Lord.” Ps 92

Dear parishioners,

It’s always good to give thanks to the Lord, in particular now, as we observe people around us being vaccinated at an ever accelerating pace. And with vaccines that are highly effective, and that were developed in just one year from the time the virus appeared. In the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry, that is nothing short of miraculous. 

On Friday, I listened to a one-hour update by Dr. Henry, Mr. Horgan, and Mr. Dix for the benefit of religious leaders. On June 15th, next Tuesday, they will announce an increase to the number of people we are allowed to gather for religious services. The precise numbers will be given on Tuesday. And assuming all goes well, on July 1st, restrictions on the number of people gathered could be lifted altogether. This depends of course, among other things, on the percentage of people who will be vaccinated. Accordingly all three of them, Dr. Henry, Mr. Dix, and Mr. Horgan literally implored us, as religious leaders, to urge our people to be vaccinated. So here is my take as to why as many of us as possible should be vaccinated. 

Please get vaccinated! Why? Because you’re protecting yourself, and you’re protecting everyone around you, especially those who, for any number of reasons, can’t be vaccinated, like all children under the age of 12 for example. Because the new variants of the virus that are circulating are more easily transmissible, and therefore we need the highest possible percentage of people to be vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity” against them.

Perhaps you’re among those who are open to vaccination, but feel that it’s a hassle, and at any rate, it’s no longer necessary, since most other people are vaccinated, and you’re protected by their vaccination. I can only repeat the above. Do it for the sake of the people in your life who can’t be vaccinated. Do it so that we can achieve the percentage of vaccinated people that we need in order to protect society against the more highly transmissible variants of the virus.

Finally, perhaps you’re among those who would like to be vaccinated, but for whom, for all sorts of reasons, getting vaccinated is difficult. If this is the case, call the parish office and speak with Marianne. We will do everything we need to do to help you get vaccinated, whether it be helping you to register, or to book an appointment, or providing transportation for you to get to the vaccination site.  Marianne can be reached at 604-435-9611 ext 0. Please spread this message to anyone you know who isn’t likely to read this pastor’s corner.

Let’s all make this small contribution to the common good.

In other news, the jackpot for our 50/50 online raffle is now at $10,815! Last day to purchase tickets is June 23rd. Half of the jackpot will go to the winner, and the other half will go to the building fund. Go to our parish website to access the page where you can buy tickets.

A reminder: the 7:00 p.m. mass this coming Wednesday, June 16th is open only to St. Mary’s grade 7 class and a few family members, as we are celebrating a farewell for them.

Please make a special place in your prayer this week, that the discovery of the children’s remains in the residential school cemetery will provoke a step forward in terms of truth and reconciliation. And for the Muslim family that was mowed down in London Ontario, and for all Muslims living now in fear because of this terrible incident.

I had my second dose of Astrazeneca on Friday, with absolutely no side-effects, neither after the first shot, neither after the second! 

God bless us and keep us all safe in this delicate time of transition. 

Fr. Guy