“Do not be afraid, just have faith.” Mk 5,36

Dear parishioners,

Once again, the same message from Jesus as in last Sunday’s gospel. Back then it was “why are you afraid, have you still no faith?” Much the same, only this week, it is in relation to a young girl who has died. But again, more about this in Sunday’s homily.

Just a few things to share with you once again this week.

First of all, minutes before I sat down to write this on Friday, we had the final draw for our online 50/50 raffle. The winner is Maria Bonavente, who takes away $9892.50! That’s enough to cover a full year’s tuition fees at one of our Catholic high schools! Congratulations Maria, and thanks to all who contributed to this exercise. Thanks to Teresa Lung and our fundraising team, without whom this wouldn’t have happened. There will be a net transfer to the building fund of about $7,000. Thanks again to all who participated in this fundraiser in one way or another.

A slight change to our communion protocol at all masses. Since we have introduced a eucharistic minister for distribution of communion, the single file protocol doesn’t work as well. So we have gone back to two rows for communion, one on either side of the centre aisle. While there isn’t a two metre distance between the two rows, we believe this is safe because everyone is wearing masks, no one is speaking, and everyone is walking in the same direction. We ask simply that you maintain that two-metre distance between yourself and the person or household just ahead of you in the communion line-up.

I repeat last week’s message: it’s totally okay to sign up for more than one weekday mass per week, since we are consistently under our allowed in-person attendance of 80 people. We continue to ask, until further notice, that you sign up for just one Sunday mass per month.

This Sunday will be the last where we will offer drive-through communions. The reason is that the number of people pre-registering for drive-through communion is way down, and because as you drive in for communion, more and more people are leaving the parking lot after mass, which creates a potential for traffic jams. We remind those who for whatever reason can’t attend or aren’t comfortable attending in person, it is always possible to make an appointment with Fr. Gabriel and myself, for communion either at home or in the parish office.

Finally, expect new developments next Sunday. We know that Dr. Bonnie Henry will speak sometime this week, and given the excellent numbers in BC relative to the pandemic, the odds are good that she will announce a further relaxation of limits on attendance, and of the rules governing our gatherings. More on this next Sunday!

God bless us and keep us all safe and well.

Fr. Guy