“And all ate and were filled.” Mt 14,13-21

Dear parishioners,

It just so happens that today’s gospel is what inspired the title of our newest ministry, All Were Filled, so I will begin with that. All is well, the ministry is taking off. Today, Friday, we delivered a total of eight boxes of frozen dishes which will benefit twenty one people. And there is another important development with respect to All Were Filled. The Archdiocese has secured partial funding for this ministry from the Government of Canada. This funding will be administered by the United Way of the Lower Mainland. Again, if you’ve been adversely affected by the pandemic and need help to put food on the table, get in touch with Lorna here at the office, extension 0. If you know someone who has been hard hit by the pandemic, tell them to do the same.

Last Sunday we opened up for the first time for attendance at our live streamed masses at 11:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. From what I saw personally and heard, all went well. We will give ourselves another Sunday to fine-tune our ushering, before announcing a resumption of a few other Sunday masses. I take this opportunity to underline the incredible generosity of our ushers. These people aren’t just committing for a Sunday. Our present situation will last a long time. This is a long-term commitment. We are entirely indebted to them for the fact that we are able to open the church for attendance at masses, and at other events as well, such as marriages and funerals. In your name, I say to them, thank you and God bless you.

Since I’m in thanksgiving mode, I take this opportunity to point out the activities of our beloved Knights of Columbus. There is a slogan that is circulating at the present time in the Archdiocese: “The Church never stops, i.e., being Church”. A perfect example of this truth right now is our Knights. They haven’t skipped a beat. Both Council and Assembly are holding their monthly meetings online.  They have committed, as a group, to providing the ushering for our three evening masses on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They are working on a frame that will be used to display the Nativity scene that you saw in the foyer last winter, on the front of the church, where it will be seen by the passers-by. This same frame could also eventually be used to display our Project Advance banner, or any other banner that we might wish to display. And finally, they are doing yard work, so that in the absence of Carlos and Kris, our churchyard won’t look as though it has been abandoned! On behalf of the whole parish I say to them again, simply, thank you and God bless you.

Another incredible development and demonstration that the Church never stops being Church is our Mission Ablaze prayer community. After a lull imposed by the closing of the church back in March, they organized themselves, and are now gathering online for our Tuesday evenings of prayer. Last Tuesday, we were forty five in attendance! That’s more people than we had when we were gathering in the church basement. They have fine-tuned the animation of the evening, and it is a real pleasure to be a part of it. If you wish to join us, email Edna Abustan, the coordinator of Mission Ablaze, at [email protected].

Finally, a new development, just outside our door. The present sewer pipe under Joyce Street is being replaced by a larger one to accommodate the new tower that has come up next door to the Joyce St. Sky Train Station. This work is going to take roughly two months to complete. There could be closures of the entrance to our church yard but I’m told that if there are, they will be minimal.

That’s pretty well it for this week. Every week brings with it some novelty, some development, some change. I’m keeping you apprized of them as best I can. Keep safe everyone, and God bless. 

Fr. Guy