Dear parishioners,

Just five things this week.

The first, a somewhat unpleasant advisory. We have asked that you pre-register for only one Sunday mass per month. As it turns out, some people, either because they weren’t aware of this or because they choose to ignore it, are signing up for more than one Sunday mass per month. We won’t police this in a thorough, scientific way, but if we notice a name on a list for an upcoming Sunday mass that was also on the list for another mass in the same month, your name will be deleted from the list and you will be notified of this. Like Bonnie Henry, John Horgan, and Adrian Dix, we didn’t want to go the way of enforcement and policing, but sometimes in life, it is necessary, in this case, in the name of fairness for all.

Secondly, I want to sing the praises of our ushers and live streamers. Who could ever have predicted that ushering and live streaming would one day be at the front and centre of our long list of parish ministries?!

Were it not for our ever-increasing army of ushers, we simply wouldn’t be able to gather for mass and for other celebrations in our church. We owe them more than we can say. I take this opportunity to thank in particular Andrew Costales. He is the one who is recruiting this army of ushers, and scheduling them. Andrew, we can’t thank you enough.

Thanks to our live streamers, those who are prevented from attending mass, either because of their own vulnerability or the vulnerability of someone with whom they live, are able to at least be with us online. Our live streamers are here every day, day after day, on some days twice per day, to live stream our masses, and not just masses, but weddings, funerals, confirmations, and other things as well. Their zeal is incredible. On behalf of those who benefit from their labour, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Thirdly, a word about Project Advance. September 1 st is the official launch date of this year’s Project Advance campaign at the parish level. There is a novelty this year: our very own parish Project Advance website. It will be up effective September 1 st . The link to the website will be posted on our parish website, and on our Instagram and Facebook pages. I invite you to visit it. You will find our parish goal, regularly updated figures on pledges and donations made, and a message from me on this year’s campaign, as well as a page for making pledges or donations. It’s quite nice.

Fourthly, a request for your prayers for our students, parents, and school staffs, who are attempting the near-impossible: a Covid-free return to school. They can be considered to be the new front-line workers in this pandemic. Let us storm heaven with our prayers for a safe return.

And finally, even as I write this, a wonderful thing is happening. Workers from Neon Lights are in our church yard, installing scaffolding on the church roof in preparation for wrapping our crucifix, formerly lit by neon lighting, in LED lighting. It is so timely. As this pandemic drags on, and as the darkness and the rain return this fall, our crucifix will shine as literally a beacon of hope for all to see. Some might think this is a luxury in a time of pandemic and reduced income for the parish. I see it rather as a service, which, if it isn’t essential, is at least very precious.

A good, safe week to you all.

Fr. Guy