“As the rain and the snow, … so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; …
it shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Is 55,11

Dear parishioners,

This verse is the last verse of the Book of Consolation, the second of three distinct books that together make up the book of the prophet Isaiah. The author concludes the book with a word of consolation, a promise that God will send forth a “word” that will renew the face of the earth.

Upon re-reading this passage after the resurrection of Jesus, the first disciples recognized immediately in it a prophecy, fulfilled in the coming of Jesus, the Word of God.

The wonderful expressions of life in abundance that are found in the first reading, the psalm, the second reading and the gospel lead us naturally to infer the promise that the coming of Jesus, the word of God, will produce abundance of life. And so it has. With Jesus came the Holy Spirit and with the Holy Spirit came a permanent sprouting, here and there and everywhere, of the things that are typical of the Kingdom of God. Words of consolation and understanding and mercy. Multiple acts of random kindness. Attention to the needs of others. Works of compassion of all kinds. Hope restored. Lives saved. People healed of every manner of woundedness. The Spirit of God abides in us and brings forth all these things, all the time. Yes there are times and places of prolonged drought. But always, somewhere, the Word of God produces redemption in some way, shape, or form. 

We have launched our most recent attempt at redemption with a small “r”.  “All Were Filled” is our brand new ministry of distribution of boxes of frozen pre-cooked foods to the families that are struggling to put food on the table because they have lost much income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All the information on this new ministry, and on how to make a request for a box of food can be found on our parish website in the pastor’s corner. It can also be found on our Facebook page, where you will see a poster with “All Were Filled” written on it. Click on that poster/link to access the same information. On our Instagram page, the same poster appears at the very top of the main page. Again, click on it, and you will access the information. Finally, I will be sending the same document as an attachment to an email sent to all those for whom we have an address. And again, as always, I ask you to share this with all the parishioners you know, especially, of course, those who you know to be experiencing financial difficulties.

On another topic, be on the lookout on all our sites effective this coming Friday, July10, in the evening, for fresh information with respect to live streaming, and attendance at masses. 

Keep safe and God bless,

Fr. Guy