Dear parishioners,

This Sunday’s message is largely a repeat of last Sunday’s, but again, I believe, especially given the challenge of communicating with everyone, that repetition is a good thing.

Just three points today. 

The first, we are ready to take pre-registrations effective Monday, June 29 th , for the weekday masses starting Monday, July 6 th . You will only be able to pre-register during the preceding week for any mass you wish to attend. And you will only be able to pre-register for one weekday mass per week. When you pre-register you will receive more detailed information as to what to expect when you attend mass. If you pre-register on our parish website, consider your attendance confirmed. We will get in touch with you only if, for some reason, we cannot accept your registration.

Just a reminder of the ways in which you can pre-register to attend mass:

  1. Online on website
  2. By phoning 604-435-9611 and dialing extension “0”.
  3. Emailing the parish office: [email protected].

Welcome back at mass!

Secondly, we are in the planning stage of a new ministry that will have the name “All Were Filled”. It is a ministry of providing frozen food to families that are in need because they’ve lost revenue as a consequence of the pandemic, and are struggling financially. Please don’t call in yet to request help, as we are still fine-tuning our system. When we are ready to take requests, you will know. In the meantime, please spread the word out to all the parishioners you can think of who are unlikely to visit any of our sites, or receive an email from us. We’re really counting on “word of mouth” to spread every message we put out.

Thirdly, on this Saturday, June 27 th , we will have baptized four adults and confirmed them and fourteen others. You can join us online if you read this soon enough. The celebration begins at 7:00 p.m. It will be live streamed on our Youtube platform, as usual. And I ask you to pray for special graces for them as they receive these sacraments of initiation.

Finally, on a personal note, I feel that this is really not the time to leave the parish, so I am postponing the vacations that I normally take in July. If you’re looking for me in July, I’m just a phone call or an email away!

Have a nice Sunday, a nice week, and please say a little prayer that our new ministries, Parishioners’ Support Initiative and All Were Filled, will go well.

Fr. Guy