“There was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.” Rev 7,14

Dear parishioners,

Greetings, on this beautiful feast of All Saints. I refer you to the USCCB, the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Click on “daily readings”, and you will have before you the text of the readings for the mass on this beautiful feast day.

There are people who are still signing up for more than one Sunday mass per month, so I have the unpleasant task of reminding everyone that the rule remains. Just one Sunday mass per month, till further notice. If we recognize a name on the list for an upcoming Sunday mass that also appears on a list for a previous Sunday mass in the same month, that name is deleted and the person is notified. We are in a position, however, to open this up slightly. There are consistently no more than 25 or 30 people at the 7:00 p.m. mass on Sunday. Therefore, we think it’s okay if you pre-register for a second Sunday mass in any given month, as long as it is for the 7:00 p.m.

We have had, in the past week, a second incident of Covid exposure at St. Mary’s. Three people attended a funeral here and later tested positive for Covid. Everyone who was present at the same event will be sent a communique from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority indicating what we are to do, basically self-monitor for Covid symptoms, and if we should develop symptoms, self-isolate and get tested. This is unfortunate of course, but at the same time, I consider it salutary, since it confirms us in the importance of all the measures we are taking to minimize the odds of transmission of the virus here at St. Mary’s. It also keeps up our collective guard. Since this makes it plain to all of us that the presence of Covid at St. Mary’s is no longer a remote possibility but a fact, this seems like an opportune time to again ask that you please not attend mass or any other event at St. Mary’s

-if you have Covid-like symptoms

-if you have a chronic medical condition of any kind, but in particular, of a respiratory nature

-if you are elderly

-if you live with someone who fits one of the above descriptions.

-if you are within 14 days of your return from a trip abroad. 

Now for some good news. I always like to say, “God will provide”. Once again, he has. Just as our revenues collapsed after our churches were shut down in March, we received a letter from a lawyer’s office informing us that we were to receive a bequest. The bequest arrived just this last week. Just in time to help us to pay bills that we could never have covered by relying on our current level of income. We never know just what a difference what we do can make. A good opportunity to remind us all that when it comes time to dispose of our goods before passing on, after we have made provisions for our loved ones and are left with a little bit extra, a bequest to our parish would be a much, much appreciated gesture.

Just a reminder, as we head into winter and perhaps more spare time than we would like, should the second wave slow us down, and if you are searching for things to do, we are subscribed to a wonderful resource called Formed.org., a limitless source of resources for faith formation. There should soon be a link to Formed.org on all our platforms, but you can also just type “formed.org” into your search engine. The parish password to get into the site is: V8XDFY 

It is still possible to buy apples after the 8:00 a.m. and 11:15 masses this Sunday. Last chance!

This Wednesday, November 4th at 10:00 a.m., the Archbishop will preside a live streamed mass at the Cathedral in remembrance of the religious and clergy who passed away in the past year. Please make a small place for them in your prayer.

That’s it for this week, I believe.

Please everyone, stay safe and God bless.

Fr. Guy