Dear parishioners,

Little to report this week. Quite frankly, I could have skipped this pastor’s corner, but I feel the need to connect with you, if only in this modest way.

I ask you to pray as we plan for Advent and Christmas, with the help of guidelines and suggestions from the Archdiocese. As soon as we have determined the manner in which we will celebrate the events of this season, we will communicate this to you. What I can say at this time is that we will celebrate the Living Rosary on Tuesday, December 8th, feast of the Immaculate Conception, starting with mass at 7:00 p.m. – live streamed only, no one in attendance, followed immediately by the Living Rosary. The Living Rosary is being pre-recorded, thanks to the hard work of Nellie Guerrero and an army of helpers. More information to come on how to access this event.

Given the consistent increase in daily new cases of Covid-19, we have to be careful. It was our intention to re-open the remaining three masses to attendance, but until the number of new cases begins to come down again, that strikes me as being unwise. We have also been asked by the chief public health officers to not venture into a house or apartment in which we do not live. For this reason, we are holding off on house blessings and home visits for confession and/or distribution of communion. We’re really sorry about that. We continue to be available for both confession and communion by appointment, at the rectory. You can also ask for a pix to take communion to someone you know who is prevented from attending mass. Car blessings are also still a go!

We are trying, as always, to be accommodating, but it has been brought to my attention that increasingly, parishioners are requesting access to the church bathroom. This is becoming a security issue. The ushers are obliged to stay somewhere near the bathroom to make sure that no one else enters after the person who has requested to use the bathroom leaves. In addition, they have to disinfect the bathroom after every use, since we can’t assume that each person who uses the bathroom will disinfect properly. While they are doing these things, they can’t fulfil their other ushering duties. So I’m trying the soft approach first. If you’re in the church, please don’t ask for access to the bathroom unless it truly is an emergency. If the present tendency continues, we’ll just have to close off the bathrooms altogether, as is the case in most other churches, as far as we know. If it comes to this, we will give you advance warning so that you can plan ahead. Please help us to keep the bathroom open for emergencies.

Some people are asking whether they can obtain Holy Water for use at home. Just bring in a container filled with water, and Fr. Gabriel or I will bless it for you after mass, or at the parish office.

Apart from that, things are going nicely. We had our flu shot clinic last Thursday. In all, 140 shots were administered, among them, 86 for the school community and 54 for the parish community. Which means that it was worth our while to make this clinic available to parishioners. Thanks to St. Mary’s School for having done this. 

The Knights continue to work around the parish, doing yard work, maintaining the Christmas lights in preparation for their lighting on the first Sunday of Advent, and all kinds of other projects. Good news, the beautiful Nativity banner that they had installed in the church foyer last Christmas was lost, and it has been found! If all goes well, you will see it this Christmas in a much more prominent location.

I conclude with a prayer that this finds you all safe and well.

God bless,

Fr. Guy