“For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.” Rm 14,9

Dear parishioners,

In this time of pandemic, it’s good to rise above our daily preoccupations, and with the help of Scripture, to remember the big picture. Jesus is Lord of both the living and the dead. Everything either is, or is going to be okay. Let’s consider everything else in our lives in this perspective.

And now, to return to planet earth, Project Advance is off and running. We have reached 73% of our goal in terms of monies either pledged or actually donated. I remind you that everything we raise above our goal is returned to the parish. Given our extraordinary circumstances, the plan is to keep those funds in our operating account should we need them to help us get by. If we are able to remain afloat without having recourse to these funds, we will transfer them, as we usually do, to the building fund. Thanks to all those who have already made a pledge or a donation. To all those who are able to, I ask that you consider a contribution to Project Advance. The cause this year is noble. All funds raised will be directed to ministries of evangelization, and to ministries that come to the help of those affected by the coronavirus pandemic. You can follow the progress of our parish campaign by going to our parish Project Advance website which is accessible from our parish website at stmarysvancouver.ca 

We are currently in the “Season of Creation” inaugurated by Pope Francis. It runs from September 1 to the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4. A great season to turn our attention away from the pandemic for a moment, to re-focus on this other, more long-winded matter, and to consider what we might do that we haven’t already done, to be a part of the solution, as opposed to being a part of the problem. Go to two informative sites, “Season of Creation” and “Global Catholic Climate Movement” for information and inspiration. You will find there this year’s very beautiful prayer for the Season of Creation.

Just one word on pre-registration for mass: People are leaving phone messages at the reception Friday after 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, to pre-register for attendance at mass on Sunday. This doesn’t work. There is no one to take the messages until Monday morning. Deadline for signing up for Sunday mass: the preceding Friday, 5:00 p.m.

Finally, on a sadder note, at least for we who remain, Theresa de Ocampo is leaving us. We have to live this departure in a spirit of thanksgiving for all the years she has been with us, and for the extraordinary love and energy and work that she has poured into our parish. I know I speak for us all in saying “Thank you Theresa, and God keep you.” And I ask you all to lift up a prayer of petition to God, that this new chapter in Theresa’s life will be filled with light and serenity, well-being and happiness.

I ask for your prayers for all our grade 3 and grade 8 students. We have recently completed first communions and confirmations for the PREP community and we venture now into those for the St. Mary’s School grade 3 and grade 8 students. The way in which we have chosen to celebrate these two events because of the pandemic have actually turned out to be extremely meaningful, calm, and pleasant. I wish we could continue to do them in this way, pandemic or no pandemic.

I conclude with a prayer for God’s protection and blessing upon you all.

Fr. Guy