Dear parishioners,

I have some very good news to share with you about this year’s Project Advance campaign.

The first bit of good news is that out of consideration for the parishes, and especially for the parishioners who are struggling financially in this time of economic upheaval, our parish target has been reduced by half. Our target for this year’s campaign is just $57,000.

The second bit of really good news is that the objective of this year’s campaign is to raise funds, not for the building of schools and churches, but for the pursuit of our already existing archdiocesan ministries of evangelization and outreach, and more importantly, for the establishment of a Crisis Response Fund which will be used to help those most severely affected by this pandemic, those in need of urgent and greatest help.

I find that this is the right, evangelical thing to do in this time of hardship for many, and I feel profoundly proud of the Archdiocesan team that made this choice. I hope you are too.

The appeal will be launched officially on June 8th at the archdiocesan level. Past supporters can expect to receive a letter shortly from the Archbishop. More details of the appeal will be published in the BC Catholic and will be available at . Our parish launch will take place in September.

God bless, and keep safe and well,

Fr. Guy