This Sunday we begin “Ordinary Time” which will continue until the end of November.  In the next six months we will hear Gospels that proclaim anything but ordinary events:  The Great Commission (sending) to spread God’s Word throughout the earth, the institution of the Eucharist, the use of parables, calming of a storm, miraculous healings… and these are just in the first few weeks!  “Ordinary time” is the name given to the periods in the Church year where there is no preparation time or feasting, i.e. Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter.  

Today the weekly “Gospel according to ‘Art’” concludes, perhaps to be taken up again at a later date.  But we end with a question and a challenge:  How do we begin to proclaim “The Gospel according to ‘Art?’”

St. Ignatius of Loyola, in his “Spiritual Exercises”, invites each person to enter fully into the Gospel stories they are praying and reflecting on: to imagine the scene and to place themselves within the scene – maybe to be the person observing or being healed by Jesus.  He has them imagine the sights, sounds, smells etc. around them.  He then asks them to reflect on the scene and ponder the feelings and insights they receive as they meet Jesus in this intimate manner.

St. Ignatius then has them record their feelings in some manner – usually in a journal.   But, for others, they may be inspired to write poetry, songs, stories, prayers, or create other forms of art.

All art forms have a beginning.  Today, to end this column, we go to the beginning.  Grades 3-7 students at our parish school, St. Mary’s Elementary, were given a Gospel story to reflect on and then invited to draw the Gospel story.  

The primary goal of St. Mary’s School is to prepare the students to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to the world.  In the link below, enjoy their proclamation of “The Gospel According to ‘Art.’”

The song “Now Go” used in the art presentation is used with the direct permission of the songwriter and performer John Burland.  John is an educator, speaker, and composer from Sydney, Australia who has been writing and recording religious music for children, youth, and adults for over 20 years.   St. Mary’s was blessed to have him visit and perform at the school in 2012.  See John’s website for a wonderful selection of music for all ages:

May all of us be inspired to live our lives reflecting on and living the Gospel of Jesus.

May all of us be inspired to go out and proclaim, in some manner, “The Gospel according to ‘Art’”.