Spirit Ablaze, 2010, oil painting on Strathmore paper, by Michael Ryznar

“When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth… He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”  Jn 13. 13-15

Many of you who attend St. Mary’s Church in Vancouver will recognize this painting.  It has been used countless times to advertise “Life in the Spirit” sessions as well as the weekly “Mission Ablaze” ministry run in the parish. But did you know it was painted by Michael Ryznar, a long-time parishioner of St. Mary’s, 11 years ago? What a wonderful way to conclude our “Gospel According to ‘Art’ ” for the season of Easter by focussing on the gifts and talents of a fellow parishioner, especially as they are shared so generously.

We are all called to use the gifts the Spirit has given to each of us to build up the Kingdom of God – and Michael has done this.

The rest of this column is in Michael’s own words – he also shares his favourite prayers to the Spirit.  Thank you, Michael.

This painting was created for a poster for a new "Life in the Spirit" program in 2010 offered at St. Mary's Church in Vancouver called "Ablaze.” Our goal was to challenge each individual to encounter and embrace Christ in their personal lives. Our objective was to invite parishioners to gain a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit through homilies, personal testimony and ultimately, to action. The poster image was to reflect the event's invitation to connect with the Holy Spirit as a catalyst to serving Christ.

I had in mind the power of the Holy Spirit who moves us toward the face of God. I don't normally use this amount of fiery red and orange in a painting; however, this image required such a portrayal of the energy the Holy Spirit can nurture within us to motivate us into personal or social action. 

I painted this in my small garage using oil paint in many layers taking as many liberties as I could to bring out the feeling of action and the presence of a golden light.

The Holy Spirit is our "Spiritual GPS.”  If we place all our trust in God by willingly discarding our personal obstacles, the Holy Spirit can magnify the true purpose of our lives and point us in the most meaningful direction. This image explores themes of conversion, identity and the power to live it out.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
by Saint Pius X

Holy Spirit, divine Spirit of light and love. I consecrate to You my understanding, my heart and my will, my whole being for time and for eternity.

May my understanding be always submissive to Your heavenly inspirations and to the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church, of which You are the infallible Guide.

May my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbour; may my will be ever conformed to the divine Will, and may my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and You, Holy Spirit, be honour and glory forever.


A good prayer I used to ponder for Ablaze:
Healing Prayer
by Joseph of "Jesus and Mary" (www.theworkofgod.org)

Lord, hear me...
Lord, anoint me with your divine Spirit,
Inflame my heart with the fire of your Love,
Flood my being with your Majestic presence,
please attend the call of my soul,
Lord, forgive me all my offences,
purify me and heal me of all the resentments that I may have contracted in my ignorance,
Forgive me for all the times that I have despised you, when I have sinned and haven’t felt any remorse, deign to fill me with the gift of Forgiveness,
so that at this moment I can forgive all the people that have offended me,
and that I can send my love to them,
and so that they forgive me too,
Lord, Heal my self-inflicted wounds for lack of pardon and understanding for my brothers.

Heal me, Lord,
purify my soul, so that I can feel that I have no resentments against anyone, or against myself, or against you,
Fill me with your peace,
Saturate my being with your divine Love, to undo the walls of pride and selfishness,
teach me to love you and others, as I have never loved before, transform me into a sun of eternal Love, to light up all hearts with tender rays of love.

Heal me, Lord,
Fill me with your Light.  Fill me with your Love.  Fill me with your peace.


For more information on St. Mary’s “Mission Ablaze” ministry see: https://stmarysvancouver.ca/ministries/mission-ablaze

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