Christ the True Vine, Circle of Angelos: Andreas Ritzos?, (ca. 1421-1492), Crete - Sotheby’s: Icons, Russian Pictures and Works of Art, London 1995, Sold.

This is a rare iconography written to highlight today’s Gospel: 

I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more.

Christ is the centre of this work, gazing directly at us with his hands raised in blessing.  He is inviting us to enter into the world of the Divine.  He is depicted as the root and the stem.  

The book of the Gospels is open on his lap – his life is to be read and reflected on.  It will nurture us! 

Around Christ are figures representing his disciples, including Paul.  The four Gospel writers and Paul hold books of the Gospels while the others hold scrolls.

Notice Mary at the top, her hands gesture towards Jesus her son.  Mary was Christ’s first disciple and her role always points to her son.   Remember her words from the story of The Wedding at Cana – “Do whatever he tells you.”  (John 2.5)  

As we reflect on this icon, we can imagine ourselves anchored in the branches of this Gospel vine. May the Word of Jesus prune and shape our lives so we too can bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.

For further facts on another version of this icon and icons in general see:

For an in-depth homily by Pope Benedict see:

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