The Gospel According to Art

12 posts
Ordinary Time

This Sunday we begin “Ordinary Time” which will continue until the end of November.  In the next six months we will hear...


Spirit Ablaze , 2010, oil painting on Strathmore paper, by Michael Ryznar “When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide...

Ascension Sunday

The Ascension (John Singleton Copley, 1775) (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) “The Lord Jesus was taken up into...

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

The Pantocrator With Archangels , (Icon written by Steve Knight of the Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild, Lower Mainland, British...

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

Christ the True Vine, Circle of Angelos: Andreas Ritzos?, (ca. 1421-1492), Crete - Sotheby’s: Icons, Russian Pictures and...

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

The Good Shepherd Carrying A Lamb , c. 300-350 AD, from the Catacombs of Domitilla, Vatican Museums “I am the good...

The Third Sunday of Easter

Appearance While the Apostles are at Table, (Duccio di Buoninsegna, ca. 1255 - 1319) Appearance While the Apostles are at...

The Second Sunday of Easter

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas , (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, painted 1601 - 02) is an oil painting housed in the...

The Vigil - Easter Sunday

“The Harrowing of Hell,” from Saint Nicholas and Dimitrios Greek Orthodox Church, Vancouver BC. From an ancient homily,...

The Third Sunday of Lent

Christ Driving the Merchants from the Temple - Jacob Jordaens painted circa 1650 “ Christ Driving the Merchants from the...

The Second Sunday of Lent

Icon of the Transfiguration- Greek Orthodox Christ stands at the centre of the icon gazing directly at us, his hand raised...

The First Sunday of Lent

The Temptations of Christ, (Sandro Botticelli, painted 1480 – 1482) is a fresco located in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The...