Temptations of Christ, (Sandro Botticelli, painted 1480 – 1482)

The Temptations of Christ, (Sandro Botticelli, painted 1480 – 1482) is a fresco located in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.  

The Temptations take place in the upper sections of the fresco.  

  • Jesus, on the left, is tempted by a hermit, (the Devil in disguise), to turn stones into bread for Jesus to eat after his extensive fasting.  
  • The second temptation is in the centre, at the top of the temple in Jerusalem, represented by the Church of Santo Spirito in Rome.  The Devil challenges Jesus to throw himself down, stating God’s promise that Jesus will be protected by the angels.  
  • Finally, to the right, Jesus is on a high mountain peak where the Devil offers him power over all of Earth’s kingdoms if he will deny God and pay homage to the Devil.  Jesus rebukes the Devil and sends him away.  Angels wait to care for him after his 40 days of fasting and denial.  

What things in your daily life are temptations that stop you from being the person God desires you to be?  

With God’s help, what practices could you begin that would help to remove these temptations?

For further facts on this painting see: https://www.tripimprover.com/blog/temptations-of-christ-by-sandro-botticell

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