Icon of the Transfiguration- Greek Orthodox

Christ stands at the centre of the icon gazing directly at us, his hand raised in blessing.   He is clothed in light, the glory of God demonstrated by the mandorla surrounding his body.

On either side of him, on separate mountain peaks, stand two Old Testament greats – Elijah the Prophet and Moses (seen holding the Torah - the Law). Jesus has come to fulfill both the Law and the Prophets.  The three are seen conversing with one another.  

At Christ’s feet lie the three Apostles in various states of confusion, overwhelmed by the moment.  The beams of light, emanating from Christ, draw the 5 witnesses, and us, into this experience of God’s glory.

How do you think this experience changed Peter, James and John?

How have you experienced the glory of God?

To learn more about the Icon of the Transfiguration see: http://alexecheandiaosb.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-transfigiration-of-our-lord.html 

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