Christ Driving the Merchants from the Temple - Jacob Jordaens painted circa 1650

Christ Driving the Merchants from the Temple, (Jacob Jordaens, painted circa 1650) is a 3 m high Baroque painting located in the Musee du Louvre in France.  It is full of raucous movement and lavish, rich colour.  Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the chaotic sounds that would arise from this scene!

This painting echoes the story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.  It is a lively market scene, Jesus is on the right-hand side with a whip as he scatters those present.

In the centre there is a money changer reacting in panic and fear and he seems to almost fall out of the painting!  Jordaens was known for his love of character expression – look carefully at the face of each person in the painting – what emotion is each portraying?   

On the left, the priests observe carefully what Christ is doing and begin to plot his demise.  

Jesus cleansed the Temple because sinful activities defiled the temple. What do I need to cleanse my heart of to prepare an inner temple for Christ? Read Psalm 51 – The Miserere: Prayer of Repentance

For further facts on this painting see:

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